I never did a gender reveal for Finn. I was young and very new to the thought of becoming a mum so I didn’t really know about all the cool things you could do!
This time round I knew I wanted to do a gender reveal and I did it twice in the one day, to my partner Chance and my family.
Chance had always been at all my baby ultrasounds with Finn and also with this baby but I wanted to keep the gender a surprise from him so I could reveal it to him in a more exciting way instead of the sonographer saying “Oh yeah, there’s a scrotum” (which is how he told me!). I booked in on the Wednesday, which is my day off with Finn and Chance is at work and found out we were having another little boy!
I then got planning for my reveal and found a cute idea on Pinterest of popping a balloon filled with confetti of the colour of the baby’s sex. I called up my local party shop and they had jumbo black balloons which was perfect but they had no blue confetti. After searching far and wide (with only a few days) to find the confetti, I ended up getting baby blue napkins and shredding them up in to my own confetti, which actually made the picture turn out way better than confetti would have! It was a laugh at the party shop as myself and two other girls shoved confetti in to a tiny balloon hole before they filled it up with helium.
I kind of misjudged how big the balloon was and if it had been an inch bigger it wouldn’t have fit in the car because it was very snugly squeezed in (that I was scared it was going to pop).
I picked up Chance and Finn after collecting the balloon on the Sunday and took them to a nice spot by the lake where one of my good friend’s live (who would be taking the photo for us). Unfortunately, as it was winter, it was really cold and windy! Conditions weren’t ideal but I wanted to do it so that I could finally tell Chance what we were having. He was so clueless the entire time and didn’t even know what the balloon was for.
We found a spot slightly out of the wind and together Finn and I held the balloon as Chance popped it. Our facial expressions are hilarious as the balloon pops and the confetti falls and I love that it’s so natural and not posed.
What we did forget to do, was take a proper photo of us with the balloon unpopped before hand, which was silly. However, I managed to get half of it in the photo from a test shot we did so I would suggest making sure you get that shot first. You then might have to chase all the confetti around the place to clean it up, after a few congratulatory hugs of course!
Share your gender reveal ideas below! xoxo
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