So we recently found out we were expecting baby number two and of course we were elated!!
We had been talking about when to have number two because with our wedding in March next year we would either have to plan another baby before or after it as I wanted to avoid being pregnant on my wedding day ( A little bit selfish, I know!)
If we waited until after the wedding, Finn would have been five when the baby was born and I felt that would be a little too far apart so we decided to start trying and by trying I mean barely because we were pregnant within a month. Chance constantly jokes that he didn’t get to enjoy the “trying” part. We are obviously very blessed as I have seen some very good friends try to get pregnant for a long time and it is heartbreaking so I don’t take it for granted at all.
We found out at about five weeks when I missed my period. I was a little confused as I was expecting my period after taking a few pregnancy tests that week and them all coming back negative. We actually went away for Easter weekend and I thought I wasn’t pregnant because of the negative tests so I jumped in the spa with the girls and had a glass of bubbles. (There goes guilt trip number one!)
Then that next week I took a test and it came back a faint positive and then I took another one two days later and it was a clearer positive and I was pretty sure it was accurate. I booked in to the doctor who confirmed it. About three days after confirming I was pregnant, the morning sickness hit and it hit hard.
I never had any morning sickness with Finn so I had nothing to compare it too but I tell you what, after experiencing it, I salute all of those mum’s out there who have suffered from morning sickness because it is debilitating. The first few weeks it was the hardest because it started from the minute I woke up in the morning until the minute I went to bed. It could only be described as a constant hangover.
I know for a lot of pregnant mum’s, they experiencing throwing up but I didn’t throw up once. I just felt like it all day and some days at work I would be serving customer’s and quietly gagging thinking I was going to vomit all over my desk but it never happened. Some days I just wished to throw up for some relief but it never came.
I couldn’t eat any normal food either. I started seeing posts on Facebook etc about healthy eating during pregnancy and it made me slightly mad! I was put off anything that was good for me or any food in general. Vegetables made me gag and the thought of salad had me nearly rushing to the toilet. It was carbs and only carbs and even then I had to force myself to eat. I had a piece of toast for breakfast, a piece of toast for lunch and then maybe a cheese toastie for dinner. I also ate a lot of hot chips and the guys at work would laugh at me when they saw me walk in with my bag of chips because they knew that was all I could stomach. In between I would have oranges because I craved the citrus and nothing else.
By about week seven or eight I started eating more and my appetite started creeping back. I started to crave random things immediately and those cravings changed dramatically from week to week. First it was cream donuts, then I craved sour lollies and now it is milkshakes (all absolutely terrible for me) but they say not to ignore a craving otherwise it won’t go away! I hadn’t gained any weight at that stage because even though I was eating stuff that wasn’t great for me, I wasn’t eating a lot of it.
To help curb the morning sickness, I tried taking ginger tablets which didn’t work for me and I tried ginger tea. The doctor kept prescribing me something that was apparently safe to take but I really wanted to do this pregnancy as natural as possible after having to take antibiotics a few times with Finn. So, I just made myself wait it out until it got better. I didn’t do much at all during the day, which made it hard for Finn but it did mean I caught up on a lot of television shows. ha!
By about week nine, I was starting to feel OK during the day and only bad at night and now at week 12 I feel almost my normal self during the day but still a little off at night. I am hoping it will subside over the coming months. Despite feeling a little sorry for myself with the consistent morning sickness it is absolutely nothing compared to some of my friends who have suffered hyperemesis, which usually sends you to hospital. I couldn’t imagine having to suffer anything worse than what was happening to me, and those who go through hyperemesis usually have to endure it for months. To go through that is incredible strength and I feel like a little bit of a woss when I tell those friends that I am feeling like crap because they have gone through so much worse.
At the end of the day, just like anything with pregnancy when we get past the yucky stuff like morning sickness or other pregnancy-related conditions and even labour-when it’s all over and we see that little creation we have made, it’s all disappears. My message to all my other mumma’s out there is that pregnancy isn’t always easy for most of us and it’s OK to feel (and look) like crap and it’s OK to sit on the couch and relax and it’s OK to eat those carbs because that’s all you can stomach and it’s OK to ask for help. We do what we have to do to get through and it is so important to take care of yourself and make sure you are OK because your body is doing so much to grow this healthy, beautiful baby.
Today we got to see our little bean on the big screen and it was incredible. It felt so different to seeing Finn on the screen, I guess because it was so long ago. Even though the baby is about the size of a lime, it was so amazing to see how much of a little person it was already becoming with it’s adorable little legs and arms and button nose. It was so incredibly active and kept doing somersaults and bouncing off my uterus and had us all laughing. I can already tell this one will be keeping me busy when it arrives!
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